Imaginarium. The World 20 Years from Now.

During interviews, we are often asked where we imagine we will be 10 or 20 years from now. In most cases, we all give a purely professional answer, based on the areas we master. But have you ever tried to imagine what the world around you would be like in 20 years, what people, nature, […]
Cheating – an indivisible part of us

The researches have shown that 90% of children cheat during written or oral tests. The percentage ratio of cheaters is on the same level over the years, regardless of obtained new study methods and restrictions. There is an important question-from what moment do we start to cheat? This time, DNA has talked with one of […]
Become A Friend of the Planet: How to Start a Zero-waste Lifestyle?

The society has a responsibility to manage its waste sustainably. And though the concept of living waste-free takes a long time to get used to, it doesn’t mean you can’t live your life to the fullest, it just means a more conscious approach to your consumer choices. By doing that, you’ll be doing the planet […]
From a passive consumer to an active contributor: How the Armenian boy teaches math via youtube videos

17 y/o Sam Antonyan was born in Yerevan. He has a channel called “Mathematics for Everyone”, where he uploads instructional videos and solves various problems of different levels. “I bring up problems that were suggested during different competitions and show the techniques for solving those problems. This way, I familiarize people with both the problems […]
Students are an Irreplaceable Part of Universities

DNA has talked with AUA’s lecturer Sergei Tantushyan (S.T.) and YSU’s student Ani Mkrtchyan (A.M) about the importance of the passing period from school to university, the sources of motivation, and our dream university. What does it look like to have a smoothly organized process? S.T. “The first stage is to get acquainted with the […]
Electricity and Recycling

This time we will study electricity and recycling with DNA. Electricity is one of the most important natural resources, which is obtained by various methods. Today, the development of electricity in Armenia is in a quite leading position, unlike in the 90s. Advantages It is used in almost all spheres and has been serving humanity […]
Travel tips from DNA: Let’s fly to Peru

Sit comfortably, fasten your seat belts, and follow the DNA Travel Trips. Today we are traveling to Peru with Gevorg Gasparyan. Peru is in South America and borders Ecuador, Columbia, Brazil, and Chile. The capital city of the country is Lima. It is not among the most visited countries for Armenians because of the pricy […]
Agriculture as a Modern Field

This time DNA has tried to get detailed information about the relatively new field in agriculture called hydroponics. It is a method of growing plants, usually crops, without soil, by using mineral nutrient solutions in an aqueous solvent. We’ve talked with Anna Tadevosyan, who is a vice president in the Institute of Hydroponics Problems after […]
The Role of the Languages in the Profession

Today we live in a completely globalized world, where we are all in touch with each other. That is why learning a language is a helpful tool for communication, and, of course, for professional advancement. As much as recommended to learn new languages from an early age, it is never late to acquire language skills. […]

What if one-day robots replace people, and technology becomes the most powerful thing in the world?! Unique selfies, photo editing, and access to virtual reality․ All of this is possible if you follow the development of some Armenian applications and use them. DNA has selected some of them, which will make your life more comfortable […]