DNA has talked with AUA’s lecturer Sergei Tantushyan (S.T.) and YSU’s student Ani Mkrtchyan (A.M) about the importance of the passing period from school to university, the sources of motivation, and our dream university.
What does it look like to have a smoothly organized process?
S.T. “The first stage is to get acquainted with the educational system of the university: methods, lecturers, and values. Every university has its standards, and it is up to students whether to choose it or not. The second stage is to introduce the main aspects of the university to future students that are determined to get to a university: there are some essential skills and concepts, such as leading group discussions, bad sides of cheating, revealing similar tests of exams, etc.
A.M. “Based on my personal experience, you should follow some steps to get to your university. For example, one should talk to graduate students, get interested in the advantages and disadvantages of your university to be, know the possible complications, and then decide.”
Where to find motivation while studying?
S.T. “Both students’ and lecturers’ roles are of great importance when talking about making the educational process motivational and effective. The lecturers personally should motivate students: work on their weak parts (team working, listening, and writing skills), develop them into the strong ones, and never let them be disappointed. The right form of the evaluation system can also motivate the youth. The lecturers can involve students in big projects, show the importance of the subject, and draw their attention, which is the best part of the practice.”
A.M. “Students are motivated by the feeling to compete with the rest. You change your standards when someone next to you is doing everything to succeed. Communication with different people encourages you to stand by your dreams, even in case of failures, and this is when you realize what real life is. However, the most motivating thing for students is to have lecturers who move with the times.”
University of our dreams
S.T. “It is not impossible to make dream university of students. It requires organizing open classes to introduce the university more effectively. The process of involving mentors and lecturers, planning integration programs, contacting big companies of the corresponding field, and showcasing the working life also helps to make the right decision.”
A.M. “Teaching applied subjects, using new methods, getting acquainted with technological progress in any field will create the university of our dreams.
There are three reasons for students to learn with pleasure: when the given subject is interesting, there is practical usage of that subject, and when it makes you smarter. Listening to the same information for hundreds of years is boring, and knowing the contemporary figures and implementation of them has become necessary.”
Advice for both lecturers and students
A.M. ”My advice for lecturers is to try to understand the students and sometimes accept their opinions: maybe they can also think of something reasonable.
And my advice for students is to love your profession despite difficulties, and love everything you are doing.”
S.T. “My advice for lecturers is to learn new methods, move with the times, and treat the students equally.
My advice for students is to be brave, ask many questions, do not be engaged in self-deception, and be ready to change your chosen direction, if it is not yours.”
Written by Heghine Navasardyan