Active Youth against the Regional Problems

There are many regional problems in Armenia that the youth is either undertaking actions to solve them or not. What kind of issues are they, which regions are more active, and who empowers the young generation to be self-organized? These are the questions that we in DNA decided to cover in our new informative interview […]
Airforce for youth

While joining the Air force Is a Prestigious Branch of the Military, and there is many benefits ranging from a chance to better yourself , gain Leadership Skills , learn a New Skill at No Cost , guaranteed salary but my journey has been much more rewarding. Many of us have heard that children want […]

Welcome back DNA’s friends, this week’s blog is going to be about entrepreneurship and the importance of it. Entrepreneurship is the process of designing, launching and running a new business and the willingness to risk loss in order to make money; it is not a guaranteed process, its 1% 99% chance! However, it worth it […]
Get Healthy Mentally

Corporations, businesses, markets, ads, shops, authors, directors work 24/7 to hook your attention to leave your self, and waste money on buying mundane things of no values. On my Facebook where winds bring anything that is gathered through my personal information suggests me and maybe you as well to download apps like “Better Help” or […]
The Importance of Non-formal Education

Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not: nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not: the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. Calvin Coolidge Education in this gadget-era? Knowledge in […]