It is not a secret that South Korea is currently one of the most developed and progressive Asian countries. Being technologically advanced and having quite a stable income level, Korea still keeps on growing. Despite all this, Korea has an ancient history that carries outplaying role in modern culture. Being educated and innovative, Koreans do […]

How to Support Artsakh.

DNA is summarizing the information on the main ways of supporting Artsakh now. A joint decision has been made to launch the ARMENIA All Armenian Fund “We are, our borders. All for Artsakh” fundraising. Necessary accounts, telephone numbers and information for donation are presented below. You can make your donations on the Foundation’s website at […]

Airforce for youth

While joining the Air force Is a Prestigious Branch of the Military, and there is many benefits ranging from a chance to better yourself , gain Leadership Skills , learn a New Skill at No Cost , guaranteed salary but my journey has been much more rewarding. Many of us have heard that children want […]

Art and the impact on society

Art and the impact on society

Did you know that many things affecting the world and society? Impacts are related to a lot of serious Natural phenomena in the world and society—such as environment, agriculture, Art and food security, water supply, transportation, energy, ecosystems, and others—and are expected to become increasingly disruptive throughout this century and beyond.  Why don’t we do […]

On Coronavirus, the wellbeing of society and personal strength


Every day the globe faces different challenges. We are each on a journey and from time to time we may face some bumps or rough spots. This does not mean our journey ends there. The challenging times we may experience can slow us down, but we need to move forward. If we have the plan […]

If We Can, Let’s Rethink the History

Armenian earthquake

How tight are history and presence connected? What is the impact that events leave on us and the presence we live in? These contemplations do not necessarily have an answer, but these questionings are important by themselves when we think about the destructive earthquake that took place in 1988, December 7th with a surface wave […]

Get Healthy Mentally

Mental illness

Corporations, businesses, markets, ads, shops, authors, directors work 24/7 to hook your attention to leave your self, and waste money on buying mundane things of no values. On my Facebook where winds bring anything that is gathered through my personal information suggests me and maybe you as well to download apps like “Better Help” or […]

International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

Violence against Women

We write, sing, create, argue, intrude, learn, protest, march… In light of what? To be accepted for who we are and how we are. Still, our bodies “speak” more of us, than words, and so are your thoughts, thoughts of the oppressors, stigmatized, stereotyped people. According to the World Health Organisation: Violence against women – […]

The Importance of Non-formal Education

Non-formal education

Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not: nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not: the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. Calvin Coolidge Education in this gadget-era? Knowledge in […]