Our daily life during the quarantine

Did you know?

Depression is a common and serious medical condition that affects how people feel and act. The illness can lead to emotional as well as physical problems and can cause issues in all aspects of a person’s life.

There is considered to be a relationship between stress in a person’s life and depression or anxiety.

A variety of factors, including work, education, family life, or relationships, can cause stress. It is important to try managing and addressing these stressful situations when they arise. Worries, doubts, and anxieties are a normal part of life. But “normal” worry becomes excessive when it’s persistent and uncontrollable

Since the World Health Organization declared the COVID-19 outbreak a global pandemic, many of us, even those who have not been infected by the virus, we are forced to quarantine in our homes for the upcoming weeks.

Moreover, what is the result of staying quarantined?

I once read something on social media, which I agree, “You are not working from home, you are at your home during a crisis trying to work”

At first, you think it is good to work from home with your PJs on and all that, but after a while, you start to feel suffocated because you’re seeing the same wall for 24/7 and there is no escape from it, like a bird in a cage.

Some people can’t even work from home, not cause they don’t want to but the job applies for their attendance, and some people can’t work from home cause the house is full of kids, noises and all other stuff so they end up emotionally tired and can’t work right and this leads to anxiety of questions to what “if”. From here, you start to have shortness of breath, anxiety attacks, and depression, and you feel everything is falling apart. Lucky for you, more than half of the population feels the same, you are not alone we are suffering together.

The real question is, how can I change my mindset to have a productive day and away from depression and anxiety?

The answer is simple but needs a will to do and think.

In some cases, it’s possible to prevent depression, even if you’ve already had a previous episode.

There are many lifestyle changes and stress management techniques you can use to prevent or avoid depression. There are certain triggers that can cause us to experience depressive episodes. While triggers may be different for everyone, there are some of the best techniques you can use to prevent or avoid depression relapse, like, Take a time-out, Eat well-balanced meals, Limit alcohol and caffeine, which can aggravate anxiety and trigger panic attacks, Get enough sleep, Exercise daily to help you feel good and maintain your health, Take deep breaths, count to 10 slowly and Do your best.

DNA supports youth, the new generations and us. It tries to do its best to keep us in good spirits with their educational programs and the environment topics to keep the planet healthy and livable. We have a teamwork that turns your frown upside down; we are happy people trying to work during this crisis so we can send our positive spirit and energy to all of you.

Life isn’t always beautiful, and I know most of us passed or is passing from this period of mood swings and anxiety. Remember it’s going to end and we will go back to normal once it’s done.

Have faith, Stay safe and positive.

Much love to you all!

Written by,

Carolin Semerjian