Volunteering is one of the best ways of self-expression and education, though local and international options are quite different (you can read about it in “The Skills of 21-st Century” article ).
Today DNA is going to talk about the experience of the international volunteering with our former volunteers Mary Karapetyan (M.K.) and Anahit Serobyan (A.S.).
The motivation for international volunteering and preferred NGO
A.S. “I didn’t know about DNA before the project. But when we got acquainted and met, I liked the project very much. The main motivation was to get to know the culture of different countries and share with mine”.
M.K. also added that as she liked the vision of the DNA, she was motivated to take part in the project.
Duties of the volunteers
M.K. “I joined the projects in Romania and Italy where I was responsible for the organizational process of a conference. I’ve also participated in non-formal educational projects from different fields”.
Privileges, impressions and the feelings about the international volunteering
A.S. “The main privilege of volunteering is a self-motivation without money expectations. Besides, it helps to recognize, study, and explore the inhabitants on the Earth. Contacting different cultural representatives are very enticing.
From my former volunteering in Holland, I can say that people there were very fast in coordination, cared about nature, and kept it clean. I wish we all could witness this process”.
Armenian volunteers abroad: Armenia through the eyes of foreigners
M.K. “I have many friends from France and Italy who were all warmly welcomed in Armenia. They could get Armenian language courses as well as teach their mother languages and travel a lot. They were all very impressed by Armenia.
I have volunteered in 4 different countries, and I must state that I have only the best impressions: they highly value your rights, and you feel safe there. It’s important to mention that, even in case of conflict countries, they could keep the balance and peace between the representatives”.
Armenian volunteers and the international experience
A.S. “If we compare the number of volunteers in international projects from Armenia or other countries, you will see that it leaves a lot to be desired in our case. Most of the time, they don’t know who, where, or how to apply for the projects.
Foreigners are more engaged in different volunteering projects and have a chance to be granted with some discounts of free tickets to the museums or various events which is a big privilege”.
Volunteering as a key to the intellectual education
M.K. “All teenagers and adults should know that volunteering is the shortest way to be educated, developed, and explore new countries. As a result, you will also get a lot of new friends from abroad and get skilled. Volunteering is the main factor of the 21st century in being intellectually developed”.
(From the author) Be informed about local and international projects with DNA and Facebook page.