In the fast-paced world, people often get carried away with the routine tasks and forget the power of simple things. Once, Mother Theresa said, that we shall never know all the good that a simple smile can do. “Be a Reason to Smile” took the simple things as their cornerstone for reminding people that it doesn’t take much to help people and make them happy.
The project organized an intercultural market in Slochteren, The Netherlands. It replicated the warm atmosphere the hosts had experienced in Armenia and gathered donations to assist homeless people. Teams from five countries were invited to prepare the market and share their traditions: national foods, songs, dances and short performances related to their customs.
Nonetheless, the project’s reach went beyond charity and memorable event—it created unbreakable ties between countries. The intercultural teams lived together, worked together, got acquainted with each other’s culture, and didn’t forget to enjoy their time. Cleverly organized ice-breakers and interactive sessions bond the teams together, showed them the beauty of the Netherlands, and facilitated in preparation of the remarkable market.
Teams together went to mudflat hiking and laughed their way through mud and rain. They participated in a flash mob, explored Groningen, got to know the locals during a scavenger hunt, drew watercolor paintings for market auction, and did many more things which made them feel like a big family by the end of the event.
The event was full of warm colors of life: it created friendships, originated deep discussions, united people through songs and dances; finally, it gave the bitter taste of saying goodbye to people who become so dear to heart and left a hope that someday they all will meet again…
This project proved that with simple things it’s possible to organize a phenomenal event and slightly bent the entire world to the better side.
With gratitude to DNA for the life-changing adventure, wishing them to have countless successful projects and have such positive impacts in the lives of many other young people.